Friday, June 27, 2008

This is how I make bread...

Be careful watching this clip if your at work. Its what we call NSFW (not safe for work) unless you work at the Old Grist Mill or some other bread related industry.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pastry Design Fail

You can just see the person who decorated the cake trying to figure out why they would want that on their cake. It was probably the 'Neat' that threw them off.

Ball Girl Makes Incredible Catch

Ball Girl Makes Incredible Catch - Watch more free videos

Some people are saying it's staged. If you want to read a possible spoiler, check out this link.

Girl Spins on Escalator...

Ten bucks to whomever can replicate this act and have accompanying video. Any challengers?

(edit) Looks like CNN picked up on the story. You better get in on the fun before congress passes a law against escalators.

Your Daily Brain Check...

Learn Magic Tricks at
My head is still spinning after watching this video. I wish Bill Nye the Science guy was still on television.

Monday, June 23, 2008

My birthday list is up...

Probably the coolest sink ever. I would be late for work everyday just watching the water.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The greatest show ever has its roots...

I always knew that there was a British version of The Office but I never knew that they got their inspiration from the Japanese version. Crazy.

Mom Jeans...

Too bad I found out about these after Mother's Day was over. They would have been the perfect gift for all the mom's in my life.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Greenville Humane Society, South Carolina, having some fun with a serious topic.

Public transportation at its finest...

With gas prices as they are now, I don't think it will be long before were traveling like this. Tara and I are already shopping for a scooter.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Karma Sutra for IT Professionals

These are positions that I am becoming very familiar with at my job. I hope my wife doesn't start to get jealous. They are just machines...they have no feelings...or do they?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The new trend sweeping the nation!

New Wearable Feedbags Let Americans Eat More, Move Less

Costume for Taylor...

We are starting our search for our baby's first Halloween and we need some suggestions. These are a few costumes that I found that would be ideal for my daughter Taylor. Let me know what you think.

I got dibbs on our future boy's name...

From comes this story:

"On May 13, 1990, this young man was blessed with being named after two superheroes: Batman and Superman."
This is a new hobby of mine. Try it out and watch the reactions! Feel free to comment on your success.

Starting off on my own...

Due to popular demand from my fans, it's time to start my blog in the blogosphere of blogging. What kind of techie am I if I don't have a proper blog full of insightful ideas and witty banter. It is about time that I start letting all of this wisdom that's bottled up in my head spill out on these pages so that others can benefit. For after all, its about the fans.

What can you expect to gain from this blog? I will dedicate long hours during the week to searching the internet to find the kind of stories that I find interesting and funny. Occasionally you will find stories/pictures about my family but that is mainly reserved for the (copyright reserved) which is religiously maintained by my dear wife Tara.

I do desire that any success that comes to you from reading my blog be credited back to its creator. Enjoy and Gleedspeed fellow bloggers!